What does a 403 error code mean, and how can you troubleshoot it?

What does a 403 error code mean, and how can you troubleshoot it? 


A 403 error means you are logging in under invalidated credentials. Perhaps you are using your alias work email, instead of your work Google account. Picture shown below. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


For instance, Mary Ann was trying to log into NWEA under Mary.Ann@lansingschools.net ,which is incorrect because that is not the email she uses to log into her work Google account. 

Always check to make sure you are using the first 5 letters of your last name (insert an ‘_’ for every letter under 5; e.g. anne = anne_)., followed by the first letter of your first name, finally, two digit birth month and two digit date of birth (e.g. 04/15/2003 = 0415), with @lansingschools.net to tie it all together.  

Mary Ann’s birthday is 04/15/2003, so her log in would be anne_m0415@lansingschools.net  

Now Mary Ann should not be receiving a 403 error code.