Knowledge Base

Categories (7)

Accounts, Passwords, and Access

Articles related to account set up and use, passwords and access to systems.

Software and Applications

Synergy, Google Classroom, eFinance, Adobe, Microsoft 365, Clever, and more.

Computers, Laptops, and Chromebooks

Articles for desktops, laptops, chromebooks, and peripherals.

Classroom Technology

Articles related to Clevertouches, iPads, Hovercams, Projectors, and other classroom technology.

Printers, Scanners, Copiers and Papercut

Printers, Scanners, Copiers and Papercut

Telephones, Voicemail, and Teleconferencing

Articles related to video/web conferencing, telephones and voicemail.

Wifi and Network

Articles related to connections to the network (wireless and wired).